Daily Lifestyles

Have you considered using your everyday activities or daily life in such a way that becomes small exercise opportunities? ⁠

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Put down the phone📱, gather together, create some fun and meaningful memories.

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Lifestyle Mindset

How to “reset” your mood? And your children’s mood?🤔 Try to give an energy boost, and cope with the stress that is crucial to your well-being as a mum.

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3 Ways To Build A Happy Family

Are you thinking of being a “perfect” mother?💭 The reality is every mum makes mistakes that are part and parcel of motherhood.

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3 Ways To Build A Happy Family - 2nd Post

WHAT IF YOU PUT PERFECT MUM ON YOUR LIST📃? Embracing our imperfections is part of the growing process like a child learning to walk with his/her tiny feet.

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